Cape Contracting is a specialist construction company that services the civil engineering and construction industries. We have a proven track record and are trained by internationally recognised specialist material suppliers.

Key management and applicator personnel have undertaken civil engineering and industrial construction contracts for building contractors, local authorities, energy and oil industries and food and high hygiene clients since 1996. The knowledge accrued over this time ensures we have an intimate knowledge of the benefits and limitations of specialist building products ensuring we and can provide reliable workmanship and the right product for the environment. This ensures clients receive a finish product that provides long term performance.

Cape Contracting Diamond Cutting Wall and Floor v2
Cape Contracting Residential Concrete Floor square v2

Our clients have had the opportunity to monitor the long-term benefits of our workmanship and recognise our company as providing long-term cost savings by reducing maintenance costs, prolonging the functional life of assets, improving regulatory compliance and protection of manufactured products and equipment.

We look forward to working with you and supporting your efforts to improve your asset management. We are confident that we can meet the challenges ahead, and stand ready to partner with you in delivering a solution.

Company Director

Shane Knofflock - Owner

Phone: 027 273 2843

Key Tasks:  Contract Management. Resource Organisation. Health and Safety Management. Quality Control Coordinator. Certified Approved Applicator – 21 years.

Relevant Experience:  25 years experience in civil engineering construction. 22 years involvement in contract management. 20 years involvement as a Managing Director of a dedicated specialist building products application company.

Technical Support

George Carson MICMA Works Safety Support

Key Tasks:  Development of health and safety policies and procedures. Develop site specific safety plan.

Mike Edwards B.Eng (Sika) Engineering Support

Key Tasks: Specialist building products design quality control systems. Application applicator training systems.
